What if she has lost interest in you?
I’ll show you how to get it back, but first I want to imagine…
Imagine you meet this beautiful girl. She’s exactly your type. She’s beautiful, smart, and has the same stupid humor as you. You’re head over heels for her. The moment she types her number into your phone, your heart beats in double time.
She says “yes” when you ask her out.
A couple of days ago she responded to every text. It took less than five minutes from you sending it to her responding to it. Now it takes hours. You asked her if she wants to meet again. All she said was “let’s see. I’m not sure yet.”
Ouch, that hurts.
You don’t know what you did wrong, but I do…
How to Reignite Her Interest in You
What can you do when she lost interest?
You have to find a way to get her interest back and to get her back. Unfortunately, most men address this problem the completely wrong way. They try it with expensive gifts and all kinds of shenanigans that are doomed to fail.
Here’s a list of what doesn’t work:
Buying shit for her and begging are pathetic. But trying to convince a woman with logic is the ultimate fail. Heck, she’s a WOMAN. Women are emotional creatures. Logic doesn’t exist in their world, no matter how much you wish and pray.
"I'm so looogical!"
Logic is never the solution. Emotions are.
Think about what kind of man you have to become to make her FEEL attracted to you:
Let me show you how you can become this man and reignite her interest in you…
1. Do Less of What You Used to Do
It’s not working.
Please correct me if I’m wrong, but that’s why you’re here. You clicked on this article because whatever you’re doing is not working. Otherwise you’d be reading an article about how to get rid of sexy stalkers. But no, you want the opposite.
You want to get her interest back.
Do yourself a favor and stop doing what you used to do:
“What the heck is senseless agreeing?” I hear you asking.
Let me ask you something:
Have you ever agreed with a woman on something you disagree with because you wanted to get laid?
Stop that shit and behave like a man…
2. Stop Lettering Her Run the Show
Here’s how to reignite her interest in you:
Stop following her!
Women don’t date puppies. They date dogs who have the potential to bark. Yeah, I know. We live in a society that encourages women as leaders. God, I’m so sick and tired of these “women are the better leaders” paroles.
Women don’t want to lead!
"Nope, I don't"
I know women who (have to) lead in their relationships. They are miserable because leading is against female nature. These women are unhappy and they all cheat on their men. No sane woman on earth wants to lead in a relationship.
“But Sebastian, I know a lot of women who say they want to decide.”
Yep, women say this all the time.
The problem is that not even the ones who say it believe it.
3. You’re No Longer the Show Master
Are you an entertainer?
A lot of men fall into this trap. They meet a girl and at first, they are confident, relaxed, and they follow the advice I share in my bestselling (yep, that’s how good it is) book Rise of the Phoenix. Then it happens. They fall for this chick.
Their emotions change their behavior.
That’s not good. In fact, it’s really, really bad. Suddenly, they have this strange believe that being themselves and being honest is not enough anymore. No, this incredible mix of human being, princess, and angel deserves more.
She deserves a dancing monkey.
When you reach this point, you do everything to entertain her, please her, and make her smile. You betray yourself and your values, just to make her like you. Heck, getting her approval becomes more important than breathing.
That’s when she does everything to get away from you.
4. Regain Her Interest by Being Interesting
Most men don’t even think about that. Heck, I had this problem in the past. I was such a boring fart, it’s unbelievable. But never in a million years did I think that boredom was the reason when a girl lost interest in me.
I did what everyone else was doing:
Do you want to know how to regain a girl’s interest?
Don’t be as boring as everyone else!
That’s a challenge because you can’t be interesting and tell interesting stories unless you live an interesting life. That’s why I have a chapter on lifestyle design in my book. You have to live the lifestyle of a desirable man.
That’s the fastest way to make women desire you.
5. Reignite Her Interest by Being Passionate
Are you passionate?
Most men have less passion than Al Bundy. Hell, they don’t even try and yes, I’m guilt of that…at least sometimes. Look, I get it. You have a stressful job, you just want to relax, and you don’t have the energy to play Casanova every day.
I know this feeling too well.
But here’s the truth:
Women are craving for passion and men who can give it to them. Believe me. It doesn’t take much to make a woman addicted to you. You just need to be a bit more exciting than the average man. Everyone can do that.
That’s how you reignite her interest by being passionate.
6. You Can’t Always Be Available for Her
Here’s a typical mistake a lot of guys make:
They are always available.
But it gets even worse. They really believe that this is the perfect strategy to get her interest back. They think that ten “I miss you” and five “what are you doing?” texts a day are the weapon against a girl’s lost interest.
Well, I have news for you:
Being always available is not the solution. It’s the problem.
Women don’t want men who are always available. Remember what I said about having an interesting life? That’s what women want. They want to date men who live life on their own terms. And living life on your own terms is about more than watching TV until you get a text from a girl.
Do you know the best way to reignite a girl’s interest for you?
You enjoy living life so much that getting her interest back becomes your second priority.
That’s when she’ll make you her first priority.
7. Date Other Girls and You’ll Get Her Interest Back
Dating amazing girls is one part of living an amazing life.
That’s exactly what you should do. You have to go out there and approach girls. Yes, I know. You read this article because she lost interest and you want to get it back. Maybe you don’t even want another woman. That’s not the point.
All I can say is this:
She’ll want you back when you’re seeing other girls.
It’s female nature. Men want inexperienced women. Women, on the other hand, want experienced men. They are attracted to men who have options. If you have the choice, she wants you to choose her. If you don’t have the choice, she wants you to choose someone else.
Here’s what I like to do in this situation:
I ask the girl who lost interest on advice with “this girl I met”.
Three things happen whenever I do this:
“Actually, do you still want to meet or not?”
It works every single time…just like the advice I share in my book Rise of the Phoenix.
Summed Up Wisdom
What do you do if she has lost interest in you and you want to get it back? Well, first you have to stop doing what you’re doing right now. It’s obviously not working. Then you have to work on your leadership skills. Stop following women who don’t want you to follow them.
What’s next? You are not her entertainer. The only person you have to entertain is yourself. And yes, that’s difficult if you live a boring and uninteresting life. Work on your lifestyle. Women can’t resist a man whose life consists of more than watching football and drinking beer.
And yeah, I know. You’re tired. But that doesn’t change the fact that women are attracted to passionate men. Show her that you’re passionate. Make the first move. Heck, kiss her when the time is right. Stop trying to convince her with logic. Make her feel alive in your presence.
Hi Seb,
I’m happy to see this article now. I ran into the exact same situation with two different girls within 2 month. Both of them went on 2-3 dates with me, and really close to have sex with them, for some reasons it didn’t happen. I personally think the date went well and not boring at all, we did whiskey tasting, board game, tea tasting, going to home show, ect. After the second or third date, when I set up the fourth one, neither of them are not available and did not send me counter offer to reschedule. I really want to know what’s going on. Is it just bad luck or something went wrong but I did not know?
I have a lot of articles on Asian girls. Open your eyes.
Can I know something about u? I have read your article before .why u not post about dating with Asia girl now (especially east Asia &south east Asia girl)?? and I knew u have a Thai girlfriend ,Are u still couple with her?